Thursday, June 23, 2011

Terbukti Ambiga Boneka Anwar?

“I can ask Ambiga to call off BERSIH 2.0” - Jayanthi DB questions Anwar's status in BERSIH

“I can ask Ambiga to call off BERSIH 2.0” Jayanthi questions Anwar’s status in BERSIH 20 June 2011 Wanita Gerakan Secretary General Jayanthi Devi Balaguru today questions the de facto leader of Pakatan Rakyat, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s role in this ...proposed upcoming BERSIH 2.0 rally, Jayanthi was referring to the statement made by Anwar Ibrahim where he said he would ask Bersih 2.0 chief S Ambiga to call off the the rally if the Prime Minister could promise clean and fair elections in the future. Jayanthi who is also Vice Chairman of Human Rights Bureau of Parti Gerakan expresses her curiosity on the status and the control Anwar Ibrahim declares over BERSIH, if not, why and how could he make such dictatorship statement? Jayanthi also argued that if the elections are really so unfair as claimed by BERSIH and opposition parties, then how did Pakatan Rakyat manage to take over the government power of 5 states and denied the 2/3 majority to Barisan Nasional government in the 12th General Election? “For us in Gerakan, we too want clean and fair elections, and we believe that it is important for the Election Commission to show fairness as a body independent from the government. The Election Commission must at all time reflect fairness and transparency and gain back the confidence of the public,” said Jayanthi. ****************************************************************************************************************** 可以指示净选盟取消集会 ~ 嘉燕蒂质疑安华的角色 民政党妇女组总秘书兼人权与法律局副主任 嘉燕蒂文告 2011年6月20日 民政党妇女组总秘书嘉燕蒂今日针对安华表示若首相答应廉洁与公正的选举,他将会要求净选盟主席安美嘉停止净选2.0示威活动的事件,质疑民联领袖拿督斯里安华在净选盟委员会中到底扮演什么角色,使他拥有这么大的权力。 也是民政党人权与法律局副主任的嘉燕蒂对安华公布他在净选盟中所拥有的指示权表示好奇,若安华没有权利指示这个组织,他又怎么可以做出这样的言论?嘉燕蒂表示,若我国的选举真的有如净选盟和反对党所形容的那么不公平与不公正,那民联是怎么能在308大选中夺下5个州属的执政权,以及否定国阵在国会中的三分之二大多数议席呢? 她说,“对民政党而言,我们也期望廉洁和公正的选举。而我们认为,作为一个独立的组织,选举委员会有责任以实际行动呈现出他们的公正度。选举委员会必须在任何执行任务的时候,都表现出公平和透明化的专业精神,以赢回民众对它的信心。”



Princess Aurora said...

Semua tahu... Tapi saja buat tak tahu. nak jugak buat benda yang tak berfaedah...

mySacRedHeaRt said...

biasa la nafikan kebenaran depan mata..bab video seks tu lagi la terang dan nyata tapi butakan mata dan pekak kan telinga